Yahoo! News is reporting that at 7:50 am this morning a 15 year old student at a private high school in Kagawa Prefecture attacked a classmate with a 16.5 cm wide-bladed knife in the course of a fight between the two boys. Both were lightly injured in the fight, with the police stating that the blow sustained by the knife victim was likely dealt by the blunt edge of the blade. The knife wielder is being held by the prefectural police as an assault suspect. Moon Phase speculates that this is yet another copycat crime, the third in a recent spate of assaults with bladed weapons that have been tied by the media to School Days and Higurashi
结论:越来越堕落了……作者: ayako1986 時間: 2007-09-28 20:53
是那把么?不过是用刀背打的真客气啊-.-作者: 奄烈 時間: 2007-09-28 21:06
被實体化.........作者: gaogaozero 時間: 2007-09-28 22:50
现在是不是很流行把动画中的东西搬到现实中来用啊作者: hwy518 時間: 2007-09-28 22:55
第3个!是它的影响大,还是现实中有太多这样的事,只是通过它来使人更清楚呢?作者: Giroro 時間: 2007-09-29 00:59
用随手可得的凳子或手机砸的话顶多就是个故意伤害罪,在处罚和定刑上有明显不同。作者: mppadx 時間: 2007-09-29 07:49
不像现在的小P孩是不是都拿这么长的刀来几下了事的.作者: berserker 時間: 2007-09-29 08:22
SD的武器用来收藏就好啦,打架当然是要用折凳咯!日本的小鬼真是的!作者: 小砟 時間: 2007-09-29 10:08
可惜我没能看到现场啊.作者: alphahon 時間: 2007-09-29 14:24
I suddenly want to collect the weapons used in the last chapter of SD ... Would the models of these weapon (I don't mind in plastic) available for sale?
You konw the weapons of many Hong Kong popular comics are available in the ACG shows -> but this seems not very common in Japan? I think this is not very dangerous, at least I have not heard news the students uses these weapon in the fight in Hong Kong...作者: xxq0592 時間: 2007-09-29 14:38
希望 秋蝉 不会被和谐 掉 播放日期 已经一改再改了作者: 奄烈 時間: 2007-09-29 17:35
nice boat的解釋是?