"It has been confirmed that IBM will be pulling out of Cell development, with their current PowerXCell 8i to be the company's last entrance in the technology.
The Cell Processor was originally the brain child of 'The Father of PlayStation' Ken Kutaragi. It was later co-developed by Sony, IBM and Toshiba; making it's way into the PlayStation 3, TV's and super computers.
Featuring a central general-purpose processor, the Cell includes a number of co-processing units with internal memory, known as SPUs. Greatly increasing performance, the Cell's SPUs have been notoriously difficult to develop for, with a number of developers, such as Naughty Dog, making significant breakthroughs of late.
IBM's most recent development in the Cell Processor's design is the PoweXCell 8i, which is featured in the second most powerful supercomputer in the world; Roadrunner.
However, this is where Cell will end for IBM."
CELL——目前对大部分用户来说还只是“细胞”的意思,但在未来几年内,它可能会成为一个像Pentium(奔腾)一样家喻户晓的词汇。不过,对于Sony fans而言,CELL已经是值得热切期盼的技术了,在很多PS发烧友的心目中,它基本上已经成了传说中下一代 PS产品的代名词。但实际上,CELL代表的是Sony更为广阔的未来。
根据目前我们得到的信息,单片CELL(多核)就具备了1 teraflop(每秒1万亿次)的计算能力,超过了名噪一时的“深蓝”超级计算机,是PS2运算能力的1000倍,是当前2.5 GHz 奔腾4 CPU的100倍。这是一种很难想象的计算能力,仿佛应该在戒备森严的核心实验室中从事太空或核能仿真,但Sony即将把它带到我们的客厅中。
IBM have not stopped Cell processor development
The cell processor has been a very successful part of the Playstation 3, able to munch through folding@home as well as the latest HD game demands. There have been many rumours around the net today that the followup to the CPU in the PS3 has been basically 'canned'. The story was that the new Cell Processor which featured two PowerPC processors and 32 SPEs will not be released and that possibly the whole range was going to be discontinued.
We managed to get hold of an IBM spokesperson an hour ago and they said that only one CPU development cycle is being 'halted' which is the successor to the current PowerXCell-8i cpu. IBM have said they are planning to work on other CPU's in the Cell Processor 'family' and we would assume that by the time the Playstation 4 hits market that they could very well be involved on some level.
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