日前,我們為大家現場報導過 Sony Ericsson 在 2011 Mobile World Congress 中推出的所有新機,不過很多介紹也只是「水過鴨背」,簡單地描述了一次。現在就讓 Edward 為大家詳細介紹當中的 3 部強勁機款:Xperia Play、Xperia Pro 及 Xperia Arc 吧。
PlayStation 手機化第一代:Xperia Play
相信眾多機款中,最矚目亦最多人留意的,就是號稱為 PSP Phone 的 Xperia Play,此機最大的賣點,就是獲得 PlayStation Certified 認證,而且內建 PlayStation 一代的 4 向方向鍵、符號鍵、以及位於機側的 L 鍵及 R 鍵,設計上除了沒有搖桿外,與 PSP 第一代或 PSP Go 基本上分別不大,甚至 Edward 曾有一刻懷疑,PSP Go 根本是 Xperia Play 的親生「父母」。規格上,Xperia Play 配備了 Qualcomm SnapDragon 1GHz 處理器,亦有內建 Adreno 205 圖像處理器,相信是為了令運作遊戲時更加暢順而加入。而事實上,根據 Unwire.hk 的特約記者表示,配備此規格的 Xperia Play,機身運作亦算暢順,而運行 PlayStation 遊戲時暢順度亦令人滿意,而機身的 PS 手制按鍵,他表示使用一段時間也不算累,但 Edward 自己未親身嘗試過,所以未知道它會否「遺傳」了 PSP Go 那種玩得累雙手會很疲累的缺點,唯有待此機抵港後,再為大家帶來詳盡測試吧。此機最快將會三月在美國推出,而傳聞香港應會在上半年推出,是否屬實就有待 Sony Ericsson Hong Kong 證實了。
內建 4 吋觸控防刮花屏幕,但規格未有表示是 AMOLED 或 SLCD,相信應只是普通的 LED 背光 LCD 屏幕。解像度為 854 x 480。
機身上方設有 L 鍵及 R 鍵,相信有玩過 PlayStation 或 PSP 的玩家,應該也知道這兩個按鍵的用處吧。
根據特約記者表示,以 Xperia Play 操控遊戲也算暢順,而拿起機身玩遊戲時間長了,也不會感到手部疲倦。是否真的如此,須待此機抵港後才知分曉了。
本身已預載了數款遊戲,包括:李小龍 Bruce Lee 格鬥遊戲、Star Battalion 飛行射擊遊戲及 Asphalt 6 賽車遊戲。
備有機身 dongle,方便播放多媒體檔案時,無須拿在手上,可以插在 dongle 中邊充電邊欣賞。
Xperia Play available on 1 April in Spain for 649 eurosby Elena Henriquez14 / 03 / 2011
Well, well, what we have today the arrivals: if a few moments ago we discovered that the Nexus S Spanish began his career (not without somecontroversy ) is now the Xperia Play which takes up the baton. Sony Ericsson has been forced to issue a press release to dispel rumors that have been surrounding its release on Spanish soil and subject to last-minute surprise, the story looks as follows.
The phone will go on sale on April 1 in two ways: completely free of ties for 649 euros or subsidized by carriers, but will have to wait several days for each present their offerings and prices. As we discussed over the past MWC, Vodafone will enjoy the white model exclusively for 15 days , during which period also will be available in black version both in the free market and with other operators. In addition, the Xperia Play will be dropped by Spain with 6 complete games preloaded and access to more than 50 by the Android Market. No more to entertain you that puts you out directly to the brief official press release that awaits you after the jump.
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