標題: [XBLA][PSN]仿日動漫風的美(?)少女格鬥遊戲Skullgirls [打印本頁]

作者: shinta1412    時間: 2011-03-15 15:15
標題: [XBLA][PSN]仿日動漫風的美(?)少女格鬥遊戲Skullgirls

Look past Skullgirls' big-breasted anime babes -- as seen in the announcement trailer -- and you'll find one of the most technical fighters out there. For fighting game fans, Skullgirls offers an interesting prospect: a predictive game engine designed to be a strong foundation to fix and avoid some of the biggest problems plaguing the genre.

Mike Z, the project lead at Reverge Studios, told me that building the best fighting game engine he could was top priority -- he was actually building it long before it was married to the Skullgirls world developed by Alex Ahad. "Originally, he was doing the world and the characters and I was working on a fighting game engine before we ever met each other," Z revealed. "The concept for a lot of the characters and stuff has been around since 1999 -- when I first met him, I asked if he wanted to do an RPG instead, because there's a whole plot and everything and usually fighting games don't do that. And he said, 'No, I want to make a fighting game' and that was even better because that's what I wanted to make."

Mike Z's a hardcore fighting game fan, who freely talked about all of the great fighting games out there and his problems with them throughout our gameplay session. He wore his passion on his sleeve and was proud of some of the innovations Skullgirls is bringing to the genre -- innovations I think will make Skullgirls one of the most exciting fighting games out there.

Take the infinite loop breaker, for example. When a character initiates a combo, the game is looking at every button pressed and if there's a repeating pattern emerging, a small icon will pop up on the defending character. If that player presses any button, a special attack puts a stop to the assault. In a combo-heavy fighting game, such a feature is literally a lifesaver.

Another interesting addition is custom assists. Not every match will feature tagging (players can choose to use a stronger version of one character or two average strength characters), but when utilizing a team, players can create a custom assist move of any kind: down and kick; a special move; a grab; and any other button combination you would need. If the default assist attacks don't do it for you, make up your own.

"We have two aims with this game: one is to make it as accessible as possible without going the route of adding direction shortcuts with dragon punches or a mode where you have one-button special moves because those screw you up when you get better. The second aim is to make it as tournament-worthy as we can." In its pre-alpha state, with only two playable characters, what I experienced already played like it was ready for the tournament circuit.

And in addition to its solid gameplay, the game offers a visual feast. Hand-drawn sprites animate extremely well and have real-time lighting -- on a night stage, passing by a lamp post would cast dynamic lighting on my fighter. The visual style may be catering to a certain crowd, but the game still looks great.

Skullgirls is a downloadable title headed to XBLA and PSN this year, but the amount of polish in its pre-alpha state really surprised me. The website seems to suggest there will be a total of eight fighters, which seems like a great value for fight fans and, with its solid foundation, Skullgirls is a game you want to keep an eye on -- even if these girls look like a pervert's dream manifested.

視頻: http://www.viddler.com/simple/219d0486/#!flashvars#fake=1

標題的"美"其實是指歐美的意思。遊戲予定今年內在XBLA和PSN上發售。和真正日本美少女格鬥遊戲在美術上還是有很大距離, 不過引入了動漫風格算是一種突破。Joystiq也說手感不錯, 暫時期待一下。
作者: 蘿莉死庫水    時間: 2011-03-16 00:09
作者: 111a1a1    時間: 2011-03-16 00:27
作者: lansic    時間: 2011-03-16 23:16
玩惯了日产格斗 换个口味也不错
作者: mmszhgny    時間: 2011-03-17 00:27
作者: lebaishi    時間: 2011-03-17 21:07
作者: kcy2    時間: 2011-03-17 21:21
作者: laintm    時間: 2011-03-18 01:46
作者: acgxb    時間: 2011-03-18 03:32
作者: chiek    時間: 2011-03-18 04:57
作者: shinta1412    時間: 2011-03-18 06:03
畫風是沒可能及得上日本遊戲的啦。不過我覺得總算是個突破啊! 數起上來我所知非日本出的格鬥遊戲好像就只得老美的Mortal Kombat(我真的數不出其他了, 除非WWF算格鬥)。話說天朝好像還沒有出過格鬥遊戲吧?
[quote=lansic] 画风很不错啊
玩惯了日产格斗 换个口味也不错
估计和日产的没得比 [/quote]
根據Joystiq的介紹, 此遊戲有防止無限combo的系統。如果AI發現對手的combo指令有不斷重複的話, 你可以cancel他的combo。Joystiq也說遊戲的alpha做得不錯。
作者: タマ姉の夫    時間: 2011-03-18 07:46
作者: lgcssk    時間: 2011-03-18 10:54



作者: jusensen    時間: 2011-03-18 19:51
作者: Romanmuse    時間: 2011-03-19 00:37
作者: momoiro    時間: 2011-03-19 13:51

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