PS.之前还有新闻,美军是打魔兽世界来训练的...作者: Tingmango 時間: 2011-05-17 10:39
另外,看畫面總有點直接照抄的感覺。。作者: firef 時間: 2011-05-17 11:05
只要它學騰訊,搞成個网游,可能還有人買帳,反正國人就吃這套。作者: BMUTH 時間: 2011-05-17 18:44
看过新闻感觉其中以断是荣誉勋章里的登陆战特地装游戏确认了一下还真是这样 感觉真失望竟然就是换了人物的建模哎~~~作者: lovewwzzz 時間: 2011-05-19 06:46
As a Russian, I see nothing wrong with this. You guys constantly make games killing us, and you don't see us outraging. Hell, we play it too! Do you see how this feels, finally? I'm just glad someone had the guts to do this. The 'It's just a game' phrase doesn't seem to reassuring anymore, does it?