標題: Second foreign language affects English? [打印本頁]

作者: Megurine_Ruka    時間: 2012-06-30 00:12
標題: Second foreign language affects English?
Er,I have been studied English for many years,and my second foreign language is japanese。I propose that there are lots of differences between them,althought some of Japanese words derived from English,the pronuciation are not to be the same accent。Secondly,the structure of grammar also to be different。
The influence of these two factors have graduately undermine the lever of my English。At present when I want to construct an English  sentence,the grammar always mixed Japanese components,such as repalced  “be” by“は”,and made a verb to be in the last part of a sentence,what’s more,the pronunciation also mixed Japanese accent,my friends always say:I completely don't understand what you’re saying……
I am sure lots of the friends in this forum master two perhaps more foreign languages,could you say something about the sense of studying more than one languages?
作者: drkomg    時間: 2012-07-12 16:26
Japanese's grammar is very different than English. If you've seen Spanish verb conjugation, Japanese is similar in that regard. The grammar particles is very foreign concept I think to most people. It makes grasping the basic structure a bit difficult. However, once you get the basic structure, there aren't many variations in terms of sentence construct. Almost everything can be clearly denoted by those particles.
Overall, Japanese is the hardest language I've seen so far in terms of learning. You need to know Kanjis, foreign borrowed words from several languages (mostly English), large amounts of onomatopoeia, and slangs to effectively communicate.
作者: Gene    時間: 2012-07-25 12:07
[quote=Megurine_Ruka] At present when I want to construct an English  sentence,the grammar always mixed Japanese components,such as repalced  “be” by“は”,and made a verb to be in the last part of a sentence,what’s more,the pronunciation also mixed Japanese accent,my friends always say:I completely don't understand what you’re saying…… [/quote]
“be” is a verb.
However,“は” is not a verb,but a postpositional particle.
These two words are quite different.Of course,I think you have already known that.
I don't know why you can't help mixing two different grammars.But if you feel learning Japanese undermine the lever of your English skill,why don't you stop learning Japanese for a while?
作者: 备前近景    時間: 2012-08-21 14:06
uhh, i don't think so
作者: Megurine_Ruka    時間: 2012-09-02 17:33
[quote=drkomg] Japanese's grammar is very different than English. If you've seen Spanish verb conjugation, Japanese is similar in that regard. The grammar particles is very foreign concept I think to most people. It makes grasping the basic structure a bit difficult. However, once you get the basic structure, there aren't many variations in terms of sentence construct. Almost everything can be clearly denoted by those particles.
Overall, Japanese is the hardest language I've seen so far in terms of learning. You need to know Kanjis, foreign borrowed words from several languages (mostly English), large amounts of onomatopoeia, and slangs to effectively communicate. [/quote]

As Mr drkomg mentioned above,when we grasp considerable knowledge in foreign language ,it is not difficult to express our thought by foreign language,but when the level of different languages we study in the same degree,from where I stand,  in common time one of these languages is used frequently,Thinking set of this language may have influence in expressing thoughts,that is what puzzled me~
For Chinese,the part of kanji seems tobe a little easy than other parts,what confused me most are the onomatopoeia and the expression way of English formed by katakana  ,in these part I nearly remember nothing~ Thanks for comments~^^

[quote=Gene]“be” is a verb.
However,“は” is not a verb,but a postpositional particle.
These two words are quite different.Of course,I think you have already known that.
I don't know why you can't help mixing two different grammars.But if you feel learning Japanese undermine the lever of your English skill,why don't you stop learning Japanese for a while? [/quote]

Thanks for correction in grammar~stop learning Japanese for a while may be a way to alleviate the thinking set caused by Japanese,but I don't want to stop learning just because I love languages(Gal?>_<),I want to have excellent improvements in English and Japanese(to know Gal easily?^o^)
Thanks for comments~^^

[ 本帖最後由 Megurine_Ruka 於 2012-09-02 17:34 編輯 ]
作者: raziel123    時間: 2012-09-10 02:34
The only difficult i had so far are whit the japanese kanji!!
作者: Gene    時間: 2012-09-11 00:51
[quote=raziel123] The only difficult i had so far are whit the japanese kanji!! [/quote]
u can make use of many nice sites to learn kanji.
how about this?http://www.kanji-a-day.com/
作者: raziel123    時間: 2012-09-11 07:04
[quote=Gene] [quote=raziel123] The only difficult i had so far are whit the japanese kanji!! [/quote]
u can make use of many nice sites to learn kanji.
how about this?http://www.kanji-a-day.com/ [/quote]
Thanks my good friend!!
作者: flvv    時間: 2012-09-11 19:48
The influence of these two factors have graduately undermine the lever of my English
I knew someone had same problem. She majored in Japanese, and when she took an oral English course, her Japanese teacher found that her accent became weird. She then stopped taking that course.

You should put more emphasis on the one that you need to use when you work.

It doesn't really matter that much if you are not speaking exactly the same way the natives do, if you can make yourself easily understood.They know you are a foreigner.

[ 本帖最後由 flvv 於 2012-09-11 19:50 編輯 ]
作者: alu4    時間: 2012-09-21 23:53

It doesn't really matter that much if you are not speaking exactly the same way the natives do, if you can make yourself easily understood.They know you are a foreigner. [/quote]
I am agree with flvv.

I have a classmate from Mexico. Her accent is different from teacher's.
But I still understand what she said.

Recently, I start to study Japanese. The most difficult part is Kanji.
Because I need to know the difference between Chinese and Japanese.
For example, "龍", "龙" and "竜".
作者: aznhoboboi    時間: 2012-09-26 06:50
English is my first language, so I guess this is not a problem for me. However, there is a cultural factor in addition to the language barrier. Regardless of the level of mastery of the language, a lack of cultural understanding will make conversations difficult.
作者: yellow_drama    時間: 2012-10-02 17:43
i have some students who are Chinese but spend many years studying in Japan. when they are learning English they are inevitably affected by Japanese in both grammatical structures and pronunciation. the trick to avoid it is to think in a native way. you can't speak English while you are thinking in Japanese and try to translate Japanese sentences into English. that only leads to "Japanglish", just like Chinglish.
作者: xywzzwm    時間: 2012-10-07 14:53
If you're talking about vocabulary then yes, grammer actually won't make so much influence to each other.
作者: nanakon    時間: 2012-10-12 14:40
I guese that's because your first language is neither english nor japanese.And in your daily life maybe japanese prooducts such as manga,douga,game take more time than english.Or sometimes you just speak engligh but think  in japanese.maybe your english or
japanese is not so well,but it's ok to be muddled.some research said that learning different language makes people more smart.
作者: shinjix7    時間: 2012-11-10 01:54
I've studied Japanese for two years now, but I haven't reached a point were I would mix English and Japanese together though. Well, I am tri-lingual so I do have some mix up here and there, but it's not something hard to fix. The only thing that I'm worried about is my talking, sometimes I would have to think before saying something, and talk slowly here and there to make myself not tangle words. But hey, that's what you get when you try to learn a different language--and me, learning three languages ... We'll get to the point where we can separate the two languages and speak it without having mix up one day. So until then just study and talk as much as you can in both languages.
作者: ka0zfate    時間: 2012-11-15 09:04
Spanish it's my main language, learning english and now trying to learn a bit of Chinese/Japanese too, it's nice see friendly people here.

Cya around.

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