Like Hell and...OH, HI LIGHTNINGJuly 05, 2013
Hello everyone.
Fernehalwes with another update from the Japan Expo.
It seems like only yesterday when at a certain game show (let's call it E3), a certain producer (let's call him Yoshinori Kitase) from a certain game (let's call it Lightning Returns: FINAL FANTASY XIII) burst into a certain Letter Live (let's call it a Producer Letter Live) to 'ask permission' to use Miqo'te gear in his game. It also seems like only yesterday when Yoshida-san promised he'd think about adding something from Lightning Returns to FINAL FANTASY XIV: A Realm Reborn.
Well...if the latest Japan Expo stage presentation is anything to go off of, the ARR development team has been hard at work:
▼The Empire can only be defeated with silent stare!
▼Hempen this. Oaken that. What Eorzea needs is more pizzazz!
▼Unwitty comments aside...I have to admit, that's freaking ADORABLE.
▼Lightning never strikes twice? Poor Snow...
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