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[其他] [球英文课外授业.avi……]What are the differences in how men and women communicate ?


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發表於 2011-07-30 11:29 |只看該作者 |倒序瀏覽

In modern society, there are could be more than hundreds of methods for public to communicate with. However, Communication between males and females, face to face conversations or dialogues which more widely studied by researchers, and differences between how men and women communicate still remain in their interactions. Topic of conversations, style of interactions, purpose of communications, and the influence after dialogs, are the mainly differences existing in the history of how men and female communicate mutually.

Males and females choose different topic to interact. Men and women have dissimilar options on the subjects when their having interactions. “…Research on same-sex conversation, however, dose show that in all-male groups. While men prefer to talk to one another about work, sports, activities they have in common, women tend to prefer to talk to one another about more personal topics” (Bischoping, 1993). As a typical example, it is unusual that hear a conversation about the match from last night in bus between two young fashionable girls. A reasonable explanation is an individual often influenced by their peer gender groups on conversation topics. Males and females should have their own topics, and these topics should appropriate for their gender. Otherwise, for people who do not talking with the same topic as others. They could be treated as an abnormality or a “traitor” isolated from their groups. However, those biases do not mean there are no common topics for males and females to talk. One of the purposes of communication is to be sociable. Yet, to avoid be separated from majority, each person chooses subjects of conversation carefully. Therefore, an accessible reason that for men and women have different choice on their conversation topic is to avert be odd and be dividable from the majority.

Distinctions have existed in the communication style between women and men as well. Although many people attribute the differences in communicate style between different genders to their own social status, it is vital to acknowledge that personality is one of the most significant factors in the interacting style sexually. To be more specific, in various places, men and women will behave distinctive differences while communicating with others. “Women show a much greater readiness to develop topics introduced by male speakers, to ask questions, intersperse supportive ‘Um’s’ and ‘ah’s’ in the appropriate place, and respond to explicit points made by the speakers than males show with regard to female speakers”(Nemiroff, 1987).  In an official occasion, as if on the meeting on Monday morning, most female participants would try to be polite and humble than males. On the contrary, almost every male in there will try to be relaxed than female on a Friday evening party. Therefore, during each occasion, mostly men could exhibit their emotions much than females. As other example, humor is a unique social skill for people. However, “Women and men find different things funny. Males appreciate aggressive humor more than females do (Groch, 1974), while the reverse holds true for absurd humor (Brodzinsky et al., 1981; Terry and Ertel, 1974). Men find sexual humor funnier than do women” (Brodzinsky et al., 1981; Groch, 1974).  It is reasonable that the communication style of some people may be shaped by their career, education and experience. Yet, the dominating factor is still personality, not only that it will affect the logical talking style of an individual, but also a talking style is embodied by the personality of one person. Men are generally more dynamic than females regardless of place or situation, but women are more composed at interactions than men.

The objectives of men interact are different from women. “Women and men have different communication style and different communication goals” (Tanner, 1994b). As a male, the main purpose of conversations is usually direct and straightforward. On the contrary, females would be more focus on technical and tactful to know the objective from an interaction. For instance, one man and another woman are waiting a bus at bus stop. Both of them would like to know what time it is now. Presumably, the man would just ask the person next to him. Conversation between them may continue to other areas, but that could happen if the question has been answered. On the other hand, woman could spend five minutes just talking about the plots of a series show from last night, or something that recently annoyed her. Generally, compared with males, females are more sensitive and nimble in interactions. “The role of women in conversational interaction is thus not unlike that of a band-aid insofar as it serve to patch up weak or strained areas and devotes itself to the general well-being of the conversation as well as the comfort of the other participant” (Nemiroff, 1987).  If conversation between males, direct to know the answer would be their present choice. In contrast, if it is a dialogue between females, they could mainly focus on obtain more information first, and then have an answer for their question
The influence to men and women after communications could be differences. “From the standpoint of communication, male and female minds are made, not born” (Rothblatt, 1955).  Children, compared with adults, are more neutral on how they are affected by some events. It is uncommon that see some young female blames other male peers not understanding girls. Instead, adult females and males are shaped by their environment, education, experience. However, children could be taught how and why to communicate with other genders appropriately, what are the reasons to interact with another males or females. “As a result, conversation between women and men are often like conversations between two people from different cultures and produce a similar result: a great deal of misunderstanding” (Tannen, 1994b).  To illustrate, a young couple, who have been together for a period of time quarrel with each other frequently. The female side could always complain about her boyfriend never listen to her whilst she is talking to him. In spite of that, male began to tell his friends that she is too talkative. In the end, they might be breakup. Indeed, if they acknowledge the gulf of understanding and feeling between different genders are as wide as ever, those problems could be solved by more communications.

In brief, because of the distinctiveness between men and women on social stereotypes, thinking style, environmental influences, these differences between males and females are unavoidable, consistent, substantial existing across mixed-gender communications. To reduce the conflicts between men and women, which are caused by misunderstand. It is essential try to acknowledge, adapt, adjust to differences between other people, rather than against each other.

Huskey, C. (2011). Activities on Male & Female Communication.
Retrieved April 01, 2011, From http ://www.ehow.com/info_8150351_

Bischoping, K. (1993). Gender differences in conversational topics, 1922—1990. Sex Roles. 15.

Brodzinsky, David. M., Karen Barnet, and John, R. Aiello. (1981) “Sex of subject and gender identify as factors in humor appreciation”. Sex Roles  7:561-573

Groch, A. S. (1974). “Generality of response to humor and wit in cartoons, jokes, stories, and photograpgs.” Psychological Report 35:835-838

Mackie, M. (1987). Constructing women and men: gender socialization. Toronto: Holt, Rinehart and Winston of Canada.

Nemiroff, G. H. (1987). Women and men: interdisciplinary readings on gender. Markham, ON: Fitzhenry & Whiteside.

  Rothblatt, M. A. (1995). The apartheid of sex: a manifesto on the freedom of gender. New York: Crown Publishers.
Tannen, D. (1994). Gender and discourse . New York: Oxford University Press.

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还趁着Tutor Center关门歇菜时出了这种泥鳅般题目,

[ 本帖最後由 thisistony 於 2011-08-12 08:10 編輯 ]

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發表於 2011-07-30 23:38 |只看該作者
there are could be??兩個 verbs?
conversations or dialogues 複數但 communication 單數?
studied 轉 are more widely studied 我想
dialogues/dialogs 全文統一用其中一個會好些吧
mainly adv. 轉 the main differences

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發表於 2011-07-31 05:32 |只看該作者

In modern society, there are more than hundreds of different methods with which people communicate. However, communication between males and females, face to face conversations or dialogues, when studied by researchers, show that differences between how men and women communicate still remain. Topics of conversation, styles of interaction, the purposes of communication, and the influence after words, are the main differences between how men and female communicate with each other.

Males and females choose different topics to discuss. Men and women have dissimilar options on the subjects when they are interacting. “…Research on same-sex conversation, however, shows that in all-male groups, while men prefer to talk to one another about work, sports, and activities they have in common, women tend to prefer to talk to one another about more personal topics” (Bischoping, 1993). As a typical example, it is unusual to hear a conversation about the game from last night between two young fashionable girls on the bus. A reasonable explanation is that an individual is often influenced by their peer gender groups on topics of conversation. Males and females have their own topics, and these topics are appropriate for their gender. Otherwise, people would not be discussing the same topic as others in their groups. They might be treated as abnormal or as a “traitor” and be isolated from the group. However, those biases do not mean there are no common topics for males and females to discuss. One of the main purposes of communication is to connect with others, to be sociable. To avoid being separate from majority, each person chooses subjects of conversation carefully. Therefore, a reason for men and women to have different choice for their conversation topic is to avert being considered odd and left out.

There are distinctions in communication style between women and men, as well. Although many people attribute the differences in communicate style between different genders to social status, it is vital to acknowledge that personality is one of the most significant factors in style of interaction. “Women show a much greater readiness to develop topics introduced by male speakers, to ask questions, intersperse supportive ‘Um’s’ and ‘ah’s’ in the appropriate place, and respond to explicit points made by the speakers than males show with regard to female speakers”(Nemiroff, 1987).  In a business setting, as in a Monday morning meeting, female participants would tend to be polite and humble than males. On the contrary, almost every male there will try to be more relaxed than the females at a Friday evening party. Therefore, during each of occasion, men will exhibit their emotions much than females. As another example, humor is a unique social skill for people. However, “Women and men find different things funny. Males appreciate aggressive humor more than females do (Groch, 1974), while the reverse holds true for absurd humor (Brodzinsky et al., 1981; Terry and Ertel, 1974). Men find sexual humor funnier than do women” (Brodzinsky et al., 1981; Groch, 1974).  It is reasonable to assume that the communication style of some people may be shaped by their career, education and experience. Yet, the dominating factor is still personality. Men are generally more dynamic than females regardless of place or situation, but women are more composed at interactions than men.

The interactive objectives of men are different from women. “Women and men have different communication style and different communication goals” (Tanner, 1994b). For a male, the main purpose of conversations is usually direct and straightforward. On the contrary, females tend to be more skilled at reading the nuances of an interaction. For instance, a man and a woman are waiting a bus at bus stop. Both of them would like to know what time it is. Presumably, the man would just ask the person next to him. Conversation between them may continue to other topics, once the question has been answered. On the other hand, the woman could spend five minutes just talking about the plots of a series show from last night, or something that recently annoyed her. Generally, compared with males, females are more sensitive and nimble in interactions. “The role of women in conversational interaction is thus not unlike that of a band-aid insofar as it serve to patch up weak or strained areas and devotes itself to the general well-being of the conversation as well as the comfort of the other participant” Nemiroff, 1987).  In a conversation between males, directly know the answer would be their preference. In contrast, in a dialogue between females, they would mainly focus on obtaining more information first, then moving towards an answer to their question.

The influence of men and women following communication also show differences. “From the standpoint of communication, male and female minds are made, not born” (Rothblatt, 1955).  Children, compared with adults, are more neutral in how they are affected by events. It is uncommon to see young females blame their male peers for not understanding girls. Adult females and males are shaped by their environment, education, experience. However, children can be taught how and why to communicate with other genders appropriately, what are the reasons to interact with another males or females. “As a result, conversation between women and men are often like conversations between two people from different cultures and produce a similar result: a great deal of misunderstanding” (Tannen, 1994b).  To illustrate, a young couple, who have been together for a period of time, quarrel with each other frequently. The female side always complains that her boyfriend never listen to her while she is talking to him. On the other hand, the male begins to tell his friends that she is too talkative. In the end, they might be breakup. But, if they acknowledge the gulf of understanding and feeling between different genders, those problems might be solved by more communications.
In brief, because of the distinctions between the stereotype of men and women in thinking style and environmental influences, the differences between males and females are unavoidable in mixed-gender communications. To reduce conflicts of misunderstand between men and women; it is essential try to acknowledge, adapt, adjust to differences between them。

reference page 就不放出来占字数了……

[ 本帖最後由 thisistony 於 2011-07-31 05:33 編輯 ]

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