標題: [ARC]Capcom确认《街头霸王IV(Street Fighter IV)》发售日锁定7月 [打印本頁]

作者: bt12345678    時間: 2008-02-20 07:53
標題: [ARC]Capcom确认《街头霸王IV(Street Fighter IV)》发售日锁定7月
  在日前于日本召开的AOU 2008(Amusement Machine Operators’Union)街机游戏展上,Capcom公司宣布《街头霸王IV(Street Fighter IV)》的街机版首次公开测试将于2月22-24日期间在东京吉祥寺Capcom广场举行,同时确认了本作将于今年7月末正式推出的消息。

  在此次AOU 2008展会现场,Capcom向参展的街机运营商代表和媒体记者发放了一份内部宣传资料,其中再次确认了《街头霸王IV》将按照原计划于今年夏天推出的相关事宜。从这份宣传资料来看,已经订购《街头霸王IV》街机基板和Taito公司VEWLIX机台的运营商将在7月末得到供货,只订购了本作街机基板的商家则要等到今年8月中旬。

Street Fighter IV -Arcade release - Late July!

While it's been less than four months since Capcom's announcement of Street Fighter IV, the game's debut today at the Amusement Machine Operators’ Union show in Japan revealed that its development is far enough along for all known characters to be fully playable. Given that, it's not surprising that Capcom already has a good idea on when the game will be ready for the arcades.

In a sales leaflet given to arcade dealers and members of the press during the event, Capcom once again confirmed that Street Fighter IV is on course for a summer release in Japan. According to the leaflet, arcade operators who purchase the game board in conjuction with a Taito VEWLIX arcade cabinet will receive their order in late-July, while those picking up the board stand-alone will receive their orders in mid-August.

Gamers eager to check out the latest edition of Street Fighter for themselves will have two chances this month to do so in Japan. The game will be playable at the AOU show when it opens to the general public tomorrow, and the game's first beta test will take place at Plaza Capcom in Tokyo from February 22 to 24.

作者: doax123    時間: 2008-02-20 11:01
没PS3 等PSP版 不知道还要等多久
作者: dtheiji    時間: 2008-02-20 11:10

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