'Crystal Tools': Final Fantasy Engine Renamed, Supports Wii
SAN FRANCISCO -- 'Crystal Tools' is the new name of Square Enix's company-wide 3-D game development engine, and it'll support Wii.
Taku Murata's session at the GDC had some very interesting information: The White Engine, which is being used in Square Enix's next generation PlayStation 3 title Final Fantasy XIII, has been renamed and is now called Crystal Tools.
The interesting part was when Taku Murata said some of the engine's features will work on the Wii, although, "it's a secret". Is Square Enix planning to released more titles on the Wii?
在正在舉行的GDC08上Square Enix研究與開發部總經理村田 琢宣布SE自行開發的次世代3D引擎原名" White Engine"白色引擎正式重命名為"Crystal Tools" .
雖然"白色引擎" 自2006年作為第一個PS3遊戲(FF13)登場以來,但其實已經成為多平臺領域的開發工具,其中包括Xbox 360和PC功能."Crystal Tools"將用於SE的次世代MMORPG開發."Crystal Tools"將對應Wii功能,但這還是個秘密.
預示著SE將在Wii上推出以"Crystal Tools"開發的新作?
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