话说已经对杀必死免疫了。。 汗作者: qjzhbc 時間: 2009-09-12 06:44
试胆的时候巴哪个倒地肢势让我想起了某草莓XXX作者: yzglw 時間: 2009-09-12 16:21
实在很难想象这群软妹能和高中男生对阵啊作者: max4083 時間: 2009-09-14 19:03
这个好像没什么大爱呀,都不怎么露!作者: 遗失の童话 時間: 2009-09-14 19:07
野球娘们能打败小学生已经很不错了……想打败同年龄段的男生,根本不可能嘛作者: alphahon 時間: 2009-09-15 22:20
Just disappointed that there seems not much development between Kyouko and Tomoe... But finally Anna sensei made a brilliant move: Trying to use Tamaki as the backup pitcher. However, I note another problem: why these girls does not practice battling? It's not enough even Tomoe can hit homers.
I think the most important point of this anime is the process rather than the result. It's already a very good result for them if they could compete with the highschool boys in 9 innings...作者: aaa37mm 時間: 2009-09-15 22:51
难道比赛还是男女对战?似乎完全没可能的结果,奇迹难道需要如衣服纽扣一样的一点一点解放?作者: lidi42 時間: 2009-09-16 15:23
想象不出来 但是朦朦胧胧的美啊
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