Install a fresh copy of Gokuaku.
Install a fresh copy of Ichazura.
Install Gokuaku version 1.10 from the Ichazura disc
Install Gokuaku version 2.00 from the Ichazura disc. Make sure you are inputting password 20090408 in the second dialog prompt or the patch won't install correctly.
Install Gokuaku version 2.01c from the Real Website
Install Ichazura version 1.01c from the Real Website (Please note you will likely need to start a new game after doing this. I was getting model corruption resuming a game after installing this patch. Starting a new game corrected the issue)
Grab the 3D uncensor v1.4 from profundis and extract it the data folder for both Gokuaku and Ichazura.
Grab the fixed batch files i've attached below and replace the ones from profundis' uncensor.
Run one of the batch files (hair or hairless) for each game.
Install a fresh copy of Gokuaku.
Install a fresh copy of Ichazura.
Install Gokuaku version 1.10 from the Ichazura disc
Install Gokuaku version 2.00 from the Ichazura disc. Make sure you are inputting password 20090408 in the second dialog prompt or the patch won't install correctly.
Install Gokuaku version 2.01c from the Real Website
Install Ichazura version 1.01c from the Real Website (Please note you will likely need to start a new game after doing this. I was getting model corruption resuming a game after installing this patch. Starting a new game corrected the issue)
Grab the 3D uncensor v1.4 from profundis and extract it the data folder for both Gokuaku and Ichazura.
Grab the fixed batch files i've attached below and replace the ones from profundis' uncensor.
Run one of the batch files (hair or hairless) for each game.
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