Sony Sues Playstation 3 Hackers
posted by Thom Holwerda on Wed 12th Jan 2011 22:32 UTC, submitted by Adurbe
Well, it would appear that Sony isn't particularly pleased with the fact that their console has been hacked into oblivion. It has officially filed suit against the fail0verflow hacker group and Geohot, after filing a temporary restraining order yesterday to try and remove the jailbreak information from the web (how cute).Sony started with the temporary restraining order yesterday, in which they ask for all information to be removed from the web (yeah, good luck with that). They also want the involved people's computers and possible storage media be impounded. This temporary restraining order wasn't an actual lawsuit, but Geohot decided to take his page offline nonetheless. Not that it matters - mirrors are popping up all over the place already.
The official lawsuit came today, and it's a typical case of throwing a whole load of complaints against the wall, hoping at least one thing will stick. It's all in there - DMCA, US federal Computer Fraud and Abuse Act (and its state counterpart), contributory copyright infringement (because they aid others in breaking the PS3), and a few other things which aren't particularly strong arguments (like Playstation Network ToS violations and such).
"Working individually and in concert with one another, the defendants recently bypassed effective technological protection measures employed by Sony," the company states in the filing, "Through the internet, defendants are distributing software, tools and instructions that circumvent the [protection measures] and facilitate the counterfeiting of video games. Already, pirate video games are being packaged and distributed with these circumvention devices."
Geohot is not worried about the lawsuit. "I am a firm believer in digital rights," he told the BBC, "I would expect a company that prides itself on intellectual property to be well versed in the provisions of the law, so I am disappointed in Sony's current action. I have spoken with legal counsel and I feel comfortable that Sony's action against me doesn't have any basis."
Fail0verflow reiterates they do not condone piracy, and have never distributed any Sony code. "We have never condoned, supported, approved of or encouraged videogame piracy," their website read, "We have not published any encryption or signing keys. We have not published any Sony code, or code derived from Sony's code."
It will be interesting to see where this will go. Jailbreaking mobile phones has recently been added as a DMCA exemption in the US, and it could be that this will work in the hackers', favour. Common sense would have this case tossed out at the first go, but sadly, common sense is not something that generally prevails in the courts.
Sony 正式向 Geohot 跟他的朋友們提出告訴...由 Casper Kao 於 1 day 之前發表
Sony 還真的告了!以下為主要的訴訟內容:
另外 Sony 還提出禁止 Geohot、fail0verflow 團隊散佈 JB 相關內容,以及扣押所有跟 JB 有關軟硬體等請求,另外還有一定要的一票賠償、律師費;當然 Geohot 他們不是孤獨的,Carnegie Mellon 大學的一位教授 David Touretzky 已經發表了一份援引美國憲法第一修正案來聲援、抗議的文章,直指 Sony 這樣玩,顯然是跟憲法牴觸(言論自由等同於電腦使用『發表意見』的自由...這部份的關聯性可能有請專業人士來跟大家說明一下囉!);相信不久後會有更多的人跳出來為 Geohot / fail0verflow 來說話,Sony 呀!Sony!嘖嘖...
- 違反 DMCA §1201:也就是禁止規避控制權利之科技保護措施
- 違反聯邦法中的『電腦欺詐及濫用法』(Computer Fraud and Abuse Act):禁止在未經授權的情況下,進入電腦系統
- 散佈侵犯專利 / 著作權內容,並且鼓勵、協助他人進行 PS3 改機行為
- 違反加州電腦犯罪法,主要還是關於電腦詐欺的『備份詐欺』部份
- 違反 PSN 的使用者授權條款
- 干涉 Sony 與 PSN 用戶間的關係(啊?)
- 非法侵害 Sony 對於 PS3 的擁有權(這...不是已經有權利耗盡原則?)
- 侵佔 Sony 的智慧財產權
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