標題: [XBOX360][PS3]街霸IV Arcade Edition家用機DLC視頻流出 [打印本頁]

作者: shinta1412    時間: 2011-04-08 14:24
標題: [XBOX360][PS3]街霸IV Arcade Edition家用機DLC視頻流出
http://www.joystiq.com/2011/04/0 ... arcade-edition-dlc/

The site ConsoleTECH has posted a trailer (presumably leaked from Capcom's Captivate event) for something that we probably all knew was coming anyway: Super Street Fighter IV Arcade Edition DLC for the PlayStation 3 and Xbox 360 versions of SSFIV.

According to the trailer, the new DLC adds the arcade-only Yun, Yang, Evil Ryu and Oni characters, along with the changes to character balance made for the Japanese arcade release -- which contradicts a previous statement made by producer Yoshinori Ono. Those who download this add-on can still play against non-DLC Super Street Fighter IV players.

The update also enhances the "Replay Channel" with new features that allow you to send replay data to friends, "follow" certain people and watch their new replays, or watch only fights between people with 3000 PP or more.

Update: The original video we embedded has been pulled by Capcom. We've embedded another one, but, well, watch it while you can.

視頻: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vHyo4z_yckg

一如所料Capcom原來準備出街霸IV Arcade Edition的DLC, 當中將會收錄四名新角色Yang,Yun,殺意龍,鬼豪鬼, 還有新服裝。另外Replay Channel將會新增功能可以讓你上傳replay給朋友等等。Capcom暫未公佈DLC何時發售。

感謝Capcom啊! 以後可以不用去打街機了。

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