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- 2004-04-14
还是关于国外黑客们对Datel公司psp上Action Replay工具有效的确认!
这次著名黑客wololo对Action Replay工具评价是:
以下是原文链接:http://wololo.net/wagic/2009/12/ ... spgo-for-christmas/
题目:Confirmedatel hacks all models of PSP & PSPGo for Christmas
BeforePSPGo owners start jumping of joy all over the place, let me be clear:this information is probably not useful for you if you thought youwould get the joys of homebrews and underground PSP on your PSPGo or onyour PSP3000 or on your TA88v3.
A few days ago Datel announced anew Action Replay software, compatible with all models of PSPs,including the PSPGo. The PSP scene was quite suspicious regarding thisannouncement. Today the product page features a Demo that anyone candownload and try. I tried this Demo, other people tried the fullproduct, and, yes, Action Replay runs on an official firmware.
Itmeans that Datel wasn’t bluffing, and it also means that their code issigned. Only Sony is supposed to know how to sign EBOOTs, so we couldthink that Datel has some kind of agreement with Sony, but thedocumentation of the Action Replay is clear on that part:
Action Replay PSP is a 100% unofficial product and is NOT sponsored,endorsed or approved by Sony, nor any games developer or publisher.
Tofurther confirm this, after installing the demo, you can have a look atyour memory stick: Action Replay gets installed in the “UPDATE”subfolder of GAME, which is usually reserved for official Sony updates.It therefore means that Datel has figured out how to encrypt/signEBOOTS, but needs their product to be in the UPDATE folder for somereason (easier to encrypt? Use of some specific access granted to thisfolder?)
Now, this is not very useful for hackers (and even lessfor pirates, ha). Yet another encrypted EBOOT to analyze will not bringanything. However, Action Replay allows users to patch memory withcodes, so maybe something can be crafted in order to inject unsignedcode in the PSP through Action Replay, which could unlock (at least)user mode (and therefore homebrews).
For the time being, itseems Datel has done what hackers have been trying to do for almost 5years: figuring out the PSP’s encryption process. I’ll quoteSilverspring here:
Seems they have done it for real. If so, it’s finally game over for SCE. There’s nothing they can do to stop it.
Probably fw updates will attempt to block it, however all Datel needto do is release an new update. They can sign any code they want now.
They’ve finally done what was the ‘Holy Grail’ of the PSP scene. Pretty impressive work
Who knows, maybe Datel will now come up with their own Custom firmware…
几天前Datel公司宣布了一项新的金手指软件,所有的PSP模型,包括PSPGo都能兼容运行。 PSP破解届对此十分怀疑。今天,该产品的试用版本发布了,任何人都可以下载和试用。我尝试这个试用版本,其他人也尝试了吧。是的,这个工具确实能在官方的固件上运行。
Action Replay PSP 工具是100%非官方的产物,没有索尼的,也没有任何游戏开发商和发行商赞助,支持或批准!
为了进一步确认,你可以在你的记忆棒安装演示,Action Replay PSP工具的运行是采用的“更新安装”的方式,这通常是索尼用于最新的官方固件升级的文件夹。因此,它意味着Datel公司知道了如何通过加密的EBOOTS文件,但出于某种原因需要将他们的产品将放置在UPDATE文件夹(更容易加密的破解?授予该文件夹中使用某些特定的访问?)
现在,这些对黑客不是非常有用(哈,甚至对于盗版来说)。破解EBOOT的加密分析不会带来任何东西。然而,Action Replay PSP工具允许用户修改PSP的内存代码,也许能找到一些途径,通过PSP的金手指,至少可解锁PSP的用户模式(可以用来自制程序)签名的代码。
要是真的,那麼就是新的神降臨現世 |