エラーコード: -5005 : 0x8000ffff
>Kernel\KernelMedia.cpp (95)
>Kernel\KernelMedia.cpp (95)
>SetupNew\SetupDLL.cpp (1073)
PVENDOR:BISHOP (http://www.bishop.jp/)
@Windows XP (7600) BT_OTHER 45.0
I just got this error:
Error Code: -5005 : 0x80070017
Error Information:
>Kernel\KernelMedia.cpp (87)
>SetupDLL\SetupDLL.cpp (1641)
and its really annoying me because i cant find anything about it.
I also noticed that there were 2 setup.exe processes
how to get rid of this error?
enough disk space?
Not running Alcohol 120%?
Not running CloneCD's "CD-R check fooler"?
You meet the system requirements for the game?
"My Documents" folder is in correct location and hasn't been moved?
"My Documents" folder can be written to? (not read-only for any reason?)
Logged in as Administrator?
Candles and incense burning and arranged in correct pattern, sacrificial offering of cold coffee placed in front of floppy drive?
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
"DataPath"="C:\\Documents and Settings\\Your Name\\Local Settings\\Application Data\\BISHOP\\GK3"
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