在下是兒童餐作者: muhaha 時間: 2007-10-07 03:30
可怜的大小姐...希望过几话再来个大小姐的KISS scene...作者: ada0568 時間: 2007-10-07 19:15
只要不跟天满...八云大小姐都可以接受地..作者: cnliao 時間: 2007-10-07 20:31
sr都画了这么多年了 还是快结束吧作者: friendxyp 時間: 2007-10-07 21:05
问题胡子根本没动心。。。作者: alphahon 時間: 2007-10-08 11:39
I takes me one minute to think about what is SR (School Rumble) - it seems that it's better to use full name... Actually vol 16 and vol 17 are more interesting compared with the earlier volumes. Anyway, I think it's time to move to the end in normal speed (say, 5 volumes).