Capcom nous confirme ce soir que cet opus se réserve vraisemblablement à une commercialisation uniquement sur l'archipel nippon.
"Yes, this title exists... for Japan. There are no plans for a Western release for the title at this time. And now, I'll bet we see all sorts of complaints about that fact, after pages of outrage on that the title even exists with people telling us to "go to Hell" or how we "suck". We simply can not win" déclare ainsi Christian Svensson de Capcom.
Cela a le mérite d'être clair.
CAPCOM策略企划暨研究总监Christian Svensson表示:"Wii《生化危機 0 Resident Evil Zero 》目前沒有推出歐美版本的打算~我們已經預料到會聽到各種各樣的不滿."
貌似CAPCOM早知道這么移植會遭到惡評了,既然知道那為何還要出呢?有錢賺就繼續移?XDDD"go to Hell" or how we "suck".
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