处女贴给你了。。。。。。。。。。。作者: parasitexyz 時間: 2008-07-16 21:16
因為美女如雲作者: wangbf 時間: 2008-07-17 01:30
相比较下我还是比较喜欢那个小熊作者: qbx 時間: 2008-07-17 06:53
投票我就投小熊kuma作者: SM神龟 時間: 2008-07-17 08:01
只能选1和2了,3要了会受不了的。作者: baobaohao 時間: 2008-07-17 08:35
我要若本貂婵啊作者: wjyld 時間: 2008-07-17 09:36
选2,那个熊实在有意思,短胳膊短腿,实力不俗,还是个勇者...........作者: alphahon 時間: 2008-07-17 09:50
No 3 is for those who worked totally exhausted and almost die (e.g. consecutive 48 hours no sleep) so that:
1. Scared and becomes awake and could work again or
2. Fainted and hospitalised -> a very good reason to slip from working..作者: 七愚人 時間: 2008-07-17 10:16
用馒头逮猫拿回家去养。。= =
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