您说的没错!现在不太监的作者就是好作者呀! [/quote]
就怕停了之后没多久,你们就出来喊作者继续出。嘿嘿作者: karasu 時間: 2009-02-06 10:35
不過結局一樣的可能性較低。作者: alphahon 時間: 2009-02-06 10:35
[quote=j6] [quote=alphahon] I hope there are 2 different endings in anime and novel... therefore, at least 2/3 of people (except for Ami's fans?) are satisfied... [/quote]
やめてよ、亜美ちゃんが可哀想じゃない。そして亜美のファンの俺が悲しいよ [/quote]
Personally speaking, I don't hate Ami but:
1. It seems that Ryuji has no feeling towards Ani at all;
2. Maybe Ami has "interest" towards Ryuji, but it seems that Ami needs a friend more than a boy friend;
3. It is difficult to make a couple in entertainment industry (e.g. White Album...)
Based on reasons above, I would be surprised if it turns out be Ami ending.作者: bad8781boy 時間: 2009-02-06 12:06
不要龙虎配啊~最烂的结局莫过就是龙虎配了~作者: tk123 時間: 2009-02-06 14:05
大概跟某无关 现在小说堆那儿一本还没看呢作者: 120168123 時間: 2009-02-06 20:30
感覺是部沒什麽新意的小説呢作者: jkoop12345 時間: 2009-02-06 23:36
這種平胸傲嬌LOLI的校園戀愛故事會有什么新意作者: zxkzero 時間: 2009-02-07 13:40
[ 本帖最後由 琳蒂斯 於 2009-02-07 17:07 編輯 ]作者: 冰狩·维斯塔 時間: 2009-02-07 22:32
同时完结LZ乃以为JC来得及做成动画么?编剧应该是预先编好才不至于让正片因为赶不及而出乱子的吧~作者: yuanyuantt 時間: 2009-02-07 22:50
其实完结之后会很怀念的,没准还想接着看,人就是很矛盾的说.作者: liuyihua 時間: 2009-02-07 23:17
其实这部小说还是挺普通的没什么太大的新意作者: 長谷川MADAO 時間: 2009-02-07 23:43
终于看到小说的结局...真正意义上的完结....作者: zgp 時間: 2009-02-09 11:21
可以的,毕竟剧情已经没有在托拉的必要了,只是希望每个人物的结局都是好的。作者: liu4644103 時間: 2009-02-09 12:10
哦动画要完结了啊 希望每个人都有个好结局
有空去找下小说看下作者: hjjk 時間: 2009-02-09 12:40
感动的过头了吧,不过确实动画里终于原著结尾的很少作者: z6505183 時間: 2009-02-09 18:37
希望作者不要在开坑。作者: 异音 時間: 2009-02-09 18:45
不要结束啊~~555~~再多写点啊~~我还想看到他们几个更多的故事啊……55555作者: fmz22 時間: 2009-02-09 19:04
[quote=alphahon] [quote=j6] [quote=alphahon] I hope there are 2 different endings in anime and novel... therefore, at least 2/3 of people (except for Ami's fans?) are satisfied... [/quote]
やめてよ、亜美ちゃんが可哀想じゃない。そして亜美のファンの俺が悲しいよ [/quote]
Personally speaking, I don't hate Ami but:
1. It seems that Ryuji has no feeling towards Ani at all;
2. Maybe Ami has "interest" towards Ryuji, but it seems that Ami needs a friend more than a boy friend;
3. It is difficult to make a couple in entertainment industry (e.g. White Album...)
Based on reasons above, I would be surprised if it turns out be Ami ending. [/quote]
我其实非常期望亚美结局,不过现在就动画来说怎么看亚美的可能性都是最小的........所以结局怎样都是无所谓的事情作者: sola3114 時間: 2009-02-09 22:19
期待結局作者: godar 時間: 2009-02-09 23:38
目前才出到八 .... 原來十就完結了哦Q,Q