標題: Hi folks ¦ ] [打印本頁] 作者: foxworthy 時間: 2012-10-03 22:55 標題: Hi folks ¦ ] I came to this site via gnapiat's ero manga blog. (By the way, Eromanga is a town in Australia) With this post I hope to be granted access to the restricted boards.
Okay, now a bit about me... I'm Canadian. I like cool weather, overcast days and clear nights. I'm introverted. From the time I was 10 up until the time I graduated from high school, I hunted moose and bear in British Columbia practically every fall. At 18 years old I became a vegetarian. I went to college but dropped out. Then I went to trade school and dropped out. Then I spent the next 20 months travelling: Canadian Maritimes, Europe, Africa, Southeast Asia. These days, I spend most of my free time playing video games and reading. In summers I fish for black bass (catch and release) in the lakes up north. My middle name is Butler.作者: xywzzwm 時間: 2012-10-07 14:50
Impressive, thumbs for the post. keep up with it and you'll make some friends here.作者: nanakon 時間: 2012-10-12 14:56
A little curious about the eromanga town in aus……作者: aznhoboboi 時間: 2012-10-12 20:53
Welcome to the board.作者: frankywow10 時間: 2012-11-14 17:33
Wow really? A Canadian at this Chinese forum?作者: ka0zfate 時間: 2012-11-15 08:59
I'm from Peru and I'm here too, big world... few decent sources for manga/anime, but lucky me I found a nice place/forum.
Cya around and welcome.
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