“There is an ongoing scholarly debate as to whether the concept of Lilith occurs in the Bible. The only possible occurrence is in the Book of Isaiah 34:13–15, describing the desolation of Edom, where the Hebrew word lilit (or lilith) appears in a list of eight unclean animals, some of which may have demonic associations. Since the word lilit (or lilith) is a hapax legomenon in the Hebrew Bible and the other seven terms in the list are better documented, the reading of scholars and translators is often guided by a decision about the complete list of eight creatures as a whole.”
原因其實很簡單。那是神因為依照混沌因果律(The Low of Causality in The Chaos)來創世,所以祂並不能介入此律之中,否則此律的結構將崩潰,因此神才會一直以代行者來控制或實行神蹟(例如摩西),這樣就可以避免律的無效化而產生物質界崩壞。但要摩西作作簡單的大海分開(重力場控制)還算簡單,要靈質低的亞當破壞路西法的高靈質靈核卻是超級難上加難(韻度及念度都很難中和),因為路西法的靈質接近神本身。