標題: JAPANESE 2D GAME [打印本頁] 作者: pp168 時間: 2013-05-29 16:37 標題: JAPANESE 2D GAME I have found most japanese 2d games are the same type ,such as ADV,of which I was tired of playing.Some are woderful for drawing,I prefer play the type of RPG AND SLG,what about you,guys ?作者: cutterline 時間: 2013-05-30 18:39
Is this H-games you're talking about? or just 'ordinary' games?
H-games... on ADV genre, well it's about the story. Just like reading novel, read when you want :D
Ordinary games.... I haven't seen 2D game for so long, as most major studio is already moving to 3D-perspective realm (2D examples old megaman, castlevania (most of it portable only), Final Fantasy Tactic, and so on). Well actually, I don't play any of those ordinary games these days...
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