The emulator currently runs a few homebrew programs in .vpk format. No commercial games are playable.
vitaQuake by Rinnegatamante
VitaTester by SMOKE5
LicenceVita3K is licensed under the GPLv2 license. This is largely dictated by external dependencies, most notably Unicorn.
BuildingPrerequisitesCMake is used to generate Visual Studio and Xcode project files. It is assumed that you have CMake installed and on your path. Other dependencies are provided as Git submodules or as prebuilt binaries.
Windows (Visual Studio)macOS (Xcode)
- Run gen.bat to create a build-windows directory and generate a Visual Studio solution in there.
- Open the Vita3K.sln solution.
- Set the startup project to emulator.
- Build.
- Run to create a build-macos directory and generate an Xcode project in there.
- Open the Vita3K.xcodeproj project.
- When prompted to create schemes, create one for the emulator target only. The project builds many targets, so it will make your life easier if you create schemes as needed.
- Build.
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