標題: Will my account be deleted if the number of posts within 30 days after registration is less than 10? [打印本頁]

作者: Antivirus3166    時間: 2022-06-18 23:07
標題: Will my account be deleted if the number of posts within 30 days after registration is less than 10?
Will my account be deleted if the number of posts within 30 days after registration is less than 10?
I want to know how I can maintain my account.
作者: Kirashi    時間: 2022-06-23 19:31
The best idea would be to simply post here and there from time to time on the forum. I think it shouldn't be very difficult, check from time to time the uploaded games on the release threase and post a thank you message if the game catch your interest. Maybe there are better ideas though.

作者: Antivirus3166    時間: 2022-06-26 17:14
Thank you for telling me!
I will post a Thank you message
作者: Kirashi    時間: 2022-06-27 23:58
I also noticed some account 3 or 4 months old with 8 post only so far, so I don't think you need to pressure yourself too much with the number of post too. By the way, would you happen to know how to change the avatar?

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